



Red Oak

(Quercus rubra)

Red Oak-Leaf

Red Oak Leaf

Red Oak BudRed Oak Winter Buds

Pin Oak

Pin Oak

(Quercus palustris)

Pin Oak Leaves

Pin Oak Leaves

Pin Oak Buds

Pin Oak Buds

Burr Oak

Burr Oak

(Quercus macrocarpa)

Burr Oak-leaf-and-acorn

Burr Oak Leaf and Acorn

Burr Oak Buds

Burr Oak Buds

Burr Oak Acorn

Burr Oak acorn

English Oak

English Oak

(Quercus robur)

English Oak Acorn

English Oak acorn

English Oak Leaf

English Oak Leaf

English Oak Buds

English Oak Buds

English Oak Trunk

English Oak Bark

Swamp White Oak

Swamp White Oak

(Quercus bicolor)

swamp White Oak Leaves-and-Acorns

Swamp White Oak Leaves and Acorns

Swamp White Oak Buds

Swamp White Oak Buds

Swamp White Oak Acorn

Swamp White Oak acorn

Gambel Oak

Gambel Oak

(Quercus Gambelii)

Gambel Oak Foliage

Gambel Oak Leaves

Gambel Oak Acorn

Gambel Oak Bud

White Oak

White Oak

(Quercus alba)

White Oak Leaves

White Oak Leaves

White Oak Bark

White Oak bark

White Oak Buds

White Oak Buds

Northern Pin Oak

Northern Pin Oak

(Quercus ellipsoidalis)

Northern Pin Oak photos by Tim Buchanan

Northern Pin Oak Leaves

Northern Pin Oak Leaves

Northern Pin Oak Buds

Northern Pin Oak Buds

Chestnut OakChestnut Oak

(Quercus prinus)

Chestnut Oak Leaves-and-acornsChestnut Oak Leaves and acorns

Chestnut Oak LeafChestnut Oak Leaf

Chestnut Oak Buds

Chestnut Oak Buds

Chestnut Oak acornChestnut Oak acorn

Shumard Oak

Shumard Oak

(Quercus shumardii)

Shumard Oak Leaf

Shumard Oak Leaves

Shumard Oak Leaves and Acorn

Shumard Oak Leaves and Acorn

Shumard Oak Buds

Shumard Oak Buds

Shingle Oak

(Quercus imbricaria)

Shingle Oak Foliage

Shingle Oak Leaves

Shingle Oak Leaves

Shingle Oak Buds

Shingle Oak Buds

Chinkapin Oak

Chinkapin Oak

(Quercus muehlenbergii)

Chinkapin Oak Leaves

Chinkapin Oak Leaves

Chinkapin Oak Buds

Chinkapin Oak Buds

Scarlet Oak

(Quercus coccinea)

Scarlet Oak Leaf

Scarlet Oak Buds

Scarlet Oak Buds

Overcup Oak

(Quercus lyrata)

Overcup Oak Leaves and Acorn

Wavyleaf Oak

(Quercus undulata)

Wavyleaf Oak Leaf

Wavyleaf Oak Buds

Harvard Oak

(Quercus harvardii)

Harvard Oak Leaf

Sawtooth Oak

(Quercus acutissima)

Sawtooth Oak Leaf

Sawtooth Oak Bark

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