Kermes Scale

Kermes Scale

Small Twigs dying from Kermes Scale.

Small Twigs dying from Kermes Scale.

There is an epidemic of an insect called Kermes Scale in Boulder. Kermes Scale is a serious, potentially life threatening problem for red and pin oak trees. Kermes Scale is associated with a bacterial disease with the unfortunate name of “Drippy Nuts Disease.”
(Boulder made the Tonight Show when Jay Leno found humor in the name.)

Adult Female Kermes Scale

Adult Female Kermes Scale

The Kermes Scale infestation now covers much of Boulder and is a big problem for the oaks. Several oaks in Boulder’s Central Park have been lost due to the insect.

Red oaks are a great tree for Boulder. They have strong wood that stands a better chance of withstanding Boulder’s snow storms than most other trees. It would be a shame to lose them because of a treatable insect/disease problem.

Twig Dieback caused by the disease associated with the scale.

Twig Dieback caused by the disease associated with the scale.

For more information about Kermes Scale or if you have other questions about your trees, give us a call at 303-530-0640.

Our job is to provide diagnosis and other information to keep your trees healthy and strong. Let us give your trees a checkup today.