Ailanthus, Black Walnut, Buckeyes, Hickory, Horsechestnut, Kentucky Coffeetree, Pecan
Ailanthus or Tree of Heaven
(Ailanthus altissima)
Ailanthus leaves and fruit
The ailanthus or tree of heaven is often considered a weed tree, but some have argued that this is a tree that can survive the challenging conditions found in the city and should be used more often
Black Walnut
(Juglans nigra)
Black Walnut leaves and fruit
Ohio Buckeye
(Aesculus glabra)
Ohio Buckeye leaf
Ohio Buckeye leaves and fruit
Yellow Buckeye
(Aesculus Octandra)
Yellow Buckeye leaves and fruit
Horsechestnut (in bloom)
(Aesculus hippocastanum)
Horsechestnut leaf
Horsechestnut fruit
Horsechestnut flowers
Shagbark Hickory
(Carya ovata)
Shagbark Hickory leaf
Shagbark Hickory bark
Kentucky Coffeetree
(Gymnocladus dioicus)
Kentucky Coffeetree leaf (the largest leaf in Colorado)