Red Maple
(Acer rubrum )
Red Maple leaves
Autumn Blaze Maple
(Acer × freemanii ‘Jeffersred’ )
Autumn Blaze Maple is a hybrid between Red and Silver Maples.
(Acer negundo )
Boxelder is a species of maple and the only maple with compound leaves.
Boxelders have leaves with 3 leaflets
and the helicopter seeds of maples
Boxelders Winter Buds
Ginnala Maple
(Acer ginnala )
Ginnala maple leaves
Rocky Mountain Maple
(Acer glabrum)
Rocky Mountain maple is native to the mountains and
is seldom used as a landscape plant in town
Rocky Mountain maple leaves
Rocky Mtn maple seeds and leaves
Tatarian Maple
(Acer tataricum)
Hot Wing Tatarian Maple leaves and bright red seeds.
Tatarian maple in bloom.
Big Tooth Maple
(Acer grandidentatum)
Big Tooth Maple Leaf
Big Tooth Maple Seeds/p>
English Hedge Maple
(Acer campestre
Hedge Maple Leaf
Hedge Maple Seeds
Sycamore Maple
(Acer pseudoplatanus)
Sycamore maple leaves
Sycamore maple seeds
Sycamore maple Bark